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Rebooting America’s nuclear supply chain

Inventing and deploying U.S. advanced nuclear technology could help decarbonize energy systems and revitalize former coal communities at home and abroad.

On the Political Climate podcast this week:

Have we entered a new era for nuclear power?

Energy security needs, financial pressures and climate concerns are driving renewed interest in nuclear power plants — particularly small modular reactors that are easier and cheaper to build. Amid growing global demand, the U.S. has an opportunity to lead in an emerging nuclear technology race. 

But the successful deployment of advanced nuclear projects hinges on policy support to mobilize investment and streamline construction. 

The stakes are high. American allies in Europe are eager to find clean and safe energy alternatives as they migrate away from Russian supply chains in the wake of the war on Ukraine. At the same time, former coal communities in the U.S. and abroad are looking for new economic and job-creation opportunities.

In the second episode of Political Climate’s Arsenal of Clean Energy series, host Julia Pyper is joined by Alan Ahn, senior resident fellow for Third Way’s Climate and Energy Program, and Carol Berrigan, executive director of federal programs and supplier relationships at the Nuclear Energy Institute, to discuss how inventing and deploying U.S. advanced nuclear technology can help securely decarbonize energy systems and revitalize economies at home and abroad. 

The Arsenal of Clean Energy series is made possible by Third Way, a center-left think tank championing modern solutions to the most challenging problems in U.S. policy, including the economy, national security and climate change. Learn more at

Recommended reading:

  • State Department: United States takes next step in supporting innovative clean nuclear technology in Europe

  • NYT: Romania sees an opening to become an energy power in Europe

  • Third Way: Revitalizing America’s nuclear energy supply chain

  • CNN: This nuclear reactor could be a game-changer for the climate crisis

  • Canary Media: Nuclear startup Oklo gets thumbs-down from regulators. What does this mean for next-gen nuclear?

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