Canary Media and ENN team up to supercharge clean energy coverage

Canary is joining forces with the Energy News Network so we can increase our state and regional coverage and more comprehensively report on the energy transition.
By Eric Wesoff, Lisa Hymas, Nicholas Rinaldi

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We’re used to reporting the news, not making it, but today we’ve got an announcement of our own to share: Canary Media and the Energy News Network are merging, with the goal of bringing you more of the engaging, accessible, expert journalism on the clean energy transition that you’ve come to expect from us.

If you’re familiar with the Energy News Network, or ENN, you’ll know that its team does top-notch regional reporting on clean energy — well-aligned with Canary Media’s work. If you’re not familiar with ENN yet, here are the basics: It’s a nonprofit journalism outlet that launched nearly 15 years ago as Midwest Energy News, with reporters on the ground in that region, and then expanded with more journalists in the Northeast, Southeast, and West. It also produces a series of much-loved daily newsletters that round up the most important energy news stories from different parts of the U.S. and the country as a whole.

Our merger will take place in early 2025, bringing our two teams together under the Canary Media banner. At a time of peril for the news industry, with media outlets all over the country laying off journalists, we’re excited to have the opportunity to expand, doubling down on our commitment to report the undercovered stories about clean energy progress and challenges.

So what will this change mean for Canary Media readers? In short, more of what you love. We’ll publish more news articles each week. We’ll offer more newsletters for you to choose from. We’ll have a larger team of journalists spread more widely around the U.S. We’ll do more on-the-ground reporting to explore how the clean energy transition is playing out in different states and regions. We’ll host more in-person events in cities around the U.S.

And, as always, our journalism will remain freely available for everyone to read, not hidden behind a paywall. Canary Media and ENN share a core belief that news about climate solutions and clean energy progress needs to be accessible to all. (If you share that belief too, consider making a gift to support our newsroom!)

In order to execute the merger, we’re receiving support from a group of visionary funders that includes the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. We’re deeply grateful to the financial supporters who are making this union possible.

Got any questions? Have suggestions? Want to send us congratulations? Shoot off an email to our team at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.

And we can’t wait to share our expanded clean energy journalism with you starting early next year. 

Eric Wesoff is the executive director at Canary Media.

Lisa Hymas is the executive editor at Canary Media.

Nicholas Rinaldi is the general manager at Canary Media.